Let us Strive for a Collective Commitment to Equity

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion supports the University’s mission of creating a more diverse learning community. Developmental and proactive in its approach and reactive to the constant challenges to inclusion and equity in our community and our society, ODI organizes its efforts around offering compelling and representative programming, influencing and enhancing equitable policies, and elevating and informing inclusive practices.

These efforts promote a safe, growth-minded, and engaged campus community, wherein students, staff, and faculty – within and across multiple identities – can feel supported and valued in their academic, social, and professional endeavors. Ultimately, ODI recognizes that “diversity” is not enough, and “inclusion” is but a step towards the ultimate goal of sustaining “equity” for all members of our community.

R.I.D.E. Certificate Series

The Foundations of R.I.D.E. Certificate Series is a comprehensive program for faculty, staff, and students designed for their involvement with realizing inclusion, diversity, and equity.

Religious Holiday Calendar

Please remember that certain holy days are observed by members of our community when making plans for the academic year.

Faculty, staff, student group leaders, and organizers should consider this when making curricular and co-curricular plans.

Wake Forest College

Core Centers

Affiliate Centers

Our partnerships across campus help further the vision for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Training & Resources

ODI Educational Offerings

Professional development opportunities for diversity, equity, and inclusion are available to all Wake Forest students, staff, and faculty. These options contribute to the individual growth of attendees and may also lead to organizational development.

Register and learn more about our collection of signature programming.

Upcoming Events

  • May 8, 2024 | 10:00am
    Lam Museum of Anthropology
    Ornate tools of war and visually striking regalia are some of the objects on display that demonstrate how masculinity is emphasized in traditional African politics. The exhibit also features many objects linked to the history of colonization, when European powers displaced the traditional systems of governance, and their own …
  • May 8, 2024 | 10:00am
    Lam Museum of Anthropology
    Drums from Africa are so iconic that they are often used to represent musical traditions from across the continent. However, Africa is home to many fascinating instruments beyond drums. This exhibit presents a range of percussion and non-percussion instruments that showcase the diversity of African music. The exhibit highlights how …
  • May 8, 2024 | 10:00am
    Lam Museum of Anthropology
    How do you get a good night's sleep? Everybody sleeps, but not all cultures have the same idea of how to sleep. Headrests are solid neck supports used to promote good sleep in many cultures around the world. Explore the science of sleep and the beauty and meaning of …
See full calendar

Please join us for the Remember With Us: Commemoration of the Enslaved event at Wait Chapel on April 30th from 4:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Members of the university community will remember and honor the enslaved individuals who worked for or were sold to benefit the university. 

We hope to see you there!
Chag Pesach Sameach (Happy Passover)!

Wishing a blessed and meaningful Passover to all who celebrate.
Practitioner Panels harness our belief that the wisdom is truly "in the room" and are curated spaces where faculty and staff from across the institution are invited to share best practices, lessons learned, and more related to the implementation of the R.I.D.E framework within their departments or organizations with their colleagues in a peer-learning, panel-style environment. 

Join us on April 25th. See the link in our bio to register.
Eid al-Fitr is the earlier of the two official holidays celebrated within Islam. Eid al-Fitr is celebrated by Muslims worldwide because it marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan.

The celebration begins with a special Eid prayer and involves day-long festivities involving food and sweets. Celebrations may last up to three days.

Absence from work or school is common.

Eid Mubarak!
The @interculturalwfu invites faculty, staff, and students to observe and celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Although the month is typically celebrated in May, WFU celebrates it in April before the students depart from campus.

We encourage you to participate in the various activities featured on the events calendar (see link in bio).
Please join us for the Remember With Us: Commemoration of the Enslaved event at Wait Chapel on April 30th from 4:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Members of the university community will remember and honor the enslaved individuals who worked for or were sold to benefit the university. 

We hope to see you there!